By Marisa Urbano, Staff Member
To accomplish everything that was listed on the rubric, I first went over all my stories and revised them. I made sure to revise them with Dr. Selverian's comments and tips. I wanted to have the stories as concise and streamlined as much as possible. I tried to break up and create simple sentences so readers could easily read everything posted.
I also made sure that I doubled checked my resources and re-read everything before I posted it. As far as pictures go, I tried to think of the most appropriate images that could fit into the stories.
In addition, I made sure I collected audio and video that directly correlated to the topic so readers could benefit most from those features. I made sure that the videos were reliable and tested the links after I posted them underneath my stories.
I also made sure that I created another website, using Wix, to have sidebars where people could continue reading stories and related topics. I found Wix to be the most resourceful and effective for this online journalism website.
Not only that, but I also tried to put good teasers underneath each picture and in some of my stories, when appropriate, asked the readers questions and gave them reason to respond or comment.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
BLOG: How did I do everything?
Posted by Marisa at 4:45 AM 0 comments
Local firefighters control grassland fires
Grassland fires can affect you too! More up to date fire watch later!
On Saturday, the fire protection agencies from across the area responded to sixteen 16 calls in the wake of 15-mph and 25-mph winds and a high temperature of 99 degrees.
At the largest, a 25-acre grass fire on Peabody Road broke out north of Prathersville and west of Route 19. County fire Chief Debra Schuster stated that paramedics treated at least five of 35 firefighters for heat exhaustion on site.
Three more of the heavily-clad firefighters were hospitalized for heat exhaustion, and two of them were flown to Springfield Hospital by helicopter. All were treated for about one hour and then released.
The blaze at Peabody Road burned out of control for an hour before it was contained . Dennis Sapp, fire captain of Station No. 1, said the inferno probably was started by a trash fire. The blaze endangered some nearby farmland and the barn as well but was extinguished before anything was burned down.
- For more information on grassland fires, click the link attached:
- For a video of grassland fires, click the link attached:
Posted by Marisa at 4:30 AM 0 comments
Clerk robbed at gunpoint
What happens when you get held at gunpoint?
The robber was about six feet tall and weighed 155 pounds, according to police reports. In addition, store clerk, Bellinos, stated the robber was wearing blue jeans and a dirty white t-shirt with a torn right sleeve.
When the unidentified man came into the liquor store, he pulled out a pistol and demanded that Bellinos empty the contents of the cash register into another pillowcase, police said.
The robber fled the scene as he saw the police car, according to the police report. Officer Fulghan shouted a warning then fired a shot at the man. The shot missed the robber as he ran into an alley. The two officers followed the man but he escaped, police said.
John Paul Reinicke, 35, of Plymouth Meeting, said he was walking down Ripley Way when he saw both officers chase after the robber. “The officers did a great job,” he said. “The guy ran so fast he looked like a track star,” Reinicke said
- For more information about how to defend yourself being held at gunpoint, click the links attached:
- For audio on police radios, click the link attached:
Posted by Marisa at 4:03 AM 0 comments
Man dies in two-car crash
By: Marisa Urbano, Staff Member
1982-2010 - A former president of the Springfield High School senior class, Henry Higgins, 28, died in a two-car crash at the corner of U.S. 63 and Route NN in rural Lincoln County here Friday.
The driver of the other car, Thomas Henry, 32 was hospitalized with head and neck injuries in Springfield Hospital. Henry, after being treated, was later released and put on house hospice.
Higgins was an upstanding young man with astonishing accomplishments who lived in Springfield his whole life (attribute to workbook) Higgins was the president of his senior class at Springfield High School. He attended every meeting and carried out school functions for the students.
Higgins just recently earned his real estate license and was associated with the first of West and Haver in Springfield. (Needs specific title but book doesn’t have info)
Higgins leaves behind his wife, who remains nameless; his parents, Ralph and Amy Higgins of Springfield; Higgins’ sister, Ruth Higgins of Birmingham, AL; and brother, Russell Higgins of St. Louis.
The funeral service is Tuesday at the Newman Center with Father Ralph Green officiating. Burial will be in City Cemetery. Friends may call at the Restwell Funeral Home from 7 to 10 p.m. Monday.
- For more information about a related story on preventing car crashes, click the link attached:
- For a video clips showing how a car crash can effect your life, click the links attached:
Posted by Marisa at 2:59 AM 0 comments
St. Joseph cop killed

By:Marisa Urbano, Staff Member
ST. JOSEPH, PA - A shooting rampage killed a police officer, a store clerk and gunman, while injuring three others near 22nd and Frederick Street in St. Joseph yesterday.
The 28 year-old Bradley Thomas Arn was the responding police officer to the scene. Bradley was killed by the gunman when bullets hit his back window seven times, striking him in the back of the head.
The unnamed police sniper was able to shoot the gunman, killing him instantly. The gunman was shot and killed in the side yard of the Calvary Baptist Church.
Reports indicate that there were three confirmed victims who were shot by the gunman. Jack Martin is a 56 year-old who was shot in the chest, abdomen and forearm. The 28 year-old Valerie sharp was another victim pierced with shrapnel in her eye. Local firefighter Kenny Cordonier, whose age was not released, was also injured. All of the wounded were treated and released.
Police officials stated that the gunman was carrying a semi- automatic rifle with two clips taped together. The shooter’s identity still remains a mystery. What do you think about this shooting?
- For more information on this story, click the link to my sidebar on my other online website:
- For more information on related stories such as to handle police shootings, click this link attached:
- To hear audio from an actual police shooting, relating to this article, click this link attached:
Posted by Marisa at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Lenoir School District debates on year round schooling
Is year-round schooling something you would like?
School board candidates took opposing standings on the proposal at the Lenoir center Tuesday night. Some believe the plan for a 12-month school schedule could eliminate the need for trailers that now house. Some believe the new schedule would be costlier than adding permanent buildings.
The board addressed the concerns of the senior citizens, regarding year-round schooling and changes that affect teacher unionization.
A main issue centers on the use of trailers as classrooms. The trailers would severely decline and cause a problem for these citizens. Candidate Lane stated that a multi-tracking schedule would help ease overcrowding. The schedule would reduce the number of students in daily attendance at the school by 25 percent. (Need to cite source here. Attribute to work-book)
On the other side of the argument, incumbent Board President ,Elton Fay, stated that year-round schooling is not practical. Her concern was the cost of construction and education.
- For more information regarding year-round schooling, click the links attached here to read other related stories:
- For more information on this story, click the link to my sidebar on my other online
Posted by Marisa at 9:48 AM 0 comments
High school football player cracks spine
Who is really to blame for football injuries?
As he took his place with his teammates on the field that fateful day, he waited to hit his opponent to stop a possible goal. Unfortunately, he cracked his vertebrae instead and stopped his chance of ever walking again. Pete is a fighter on and off the field. Although confined to a wheelchair, he has his sights set on graduation.
Pete is an example of what happens 20,000 times a year in a high school football season. In fact, in 2,400 of those 20,000 injuries, adolescents are becoming permanently disabled. And like Pete’s injury, 7,000 of these football injuries are to the neck or to the head. Thirteen youths died last year alone from this prevalent issue. (Attribute to the Workbook)
As Pete stepped onto the field, he said he could never have imagined his career ending at only 16 years of his age as a junior in high school. Pete is not bitter about the accident. Pete states, “I knew the risks involved when I decided to play football…but I wish I would have known just how bad it could be.” (Attribute to Workbook) What do you think about football?
- For more information about the proper football attire and injuries, click on these links for two other stories:
- For more information on this story, click the link to my sidebar on my other online website:
- For Audio Clips about Football Injuries to the head (and comparing it to Dogfitghting), click on this link:
Posted by Marisa at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Michael Jordan's slam dunk success
Does Michael Jordan effect your purchases?
A basketball superstar, Jordan helped the Chicago Bulls to sell out every game. He holds the power to terminate ticket stocks at the gates.
His popularity and reputation helped him score $30 million a year with the Bulls, a basketball salary record. (the Bulls’ yearly financial report.) However, it is the marketing of Jordan that continues the power-play of the athlete.
When Michael Jordan is involved with a product in any way, even if it is only his name, it is sure to bring success. The Nike signature shoe “Air Jordan,” specially created for Jordan, sent the company soaring. To say the least, Michael Jordan and his company have hit nothing but net. What do you think of Michael Jordan?
- For more information about Michael Jordan, click on this link to read related story:
- For more on this story, click this link to continue reading the sidebar on my other online website: - which is also located on the bottom of my blog page!
- To watch a video commercial of Michael Jordan, click this link attached:
Posted by Marisa at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Barn fire kills 13 thoroughbreads
What does this mean for horse racing today?
By: Marisa Urbano, Staff Member
SPRINGFIELD, PA– Arson is suspected in a blaze that killed 13 thoroughbreds in a barn at the Lincoln Downs Race Track here this morning, one day before the start of the racing season.
The arson squad is assigned to investigate the fire. Bernard Perry, fire chief, said “The fire exploded near the center of the barn. Flames were shooting out of the building when we got here.”
The fire smoldered until noon leaving only several rows of charred wooden supports remaining.
The fire started in middle of the barn; nowhere near the heaters and electrical outlets in the tack rooms at the ends of the barn.
The fire affected 25 horses stabled within the structure, with 15 horses dead, including 13 thoroughbreds and two saddle horses. The other 10 horses escaped, although two of the 10 ran through the barnyard stampeding with their backs on fire. Two other horses died in the blaze, and two were badly burned as they stampeded out of the barnyard with fire on their backs.
Albert Ramos, a jockey, stared in shock as the building burned, “Those are my best friends…” As he pointed to the surviving horses he also stated, “I love horses more than I do people. I feel like I want to cry.”
- For more information on horse racing and important tips within the sport, click this link atttached:
- To watch a horse racing related videos, click the links attached:
Posted by Marisa at 12:50 PM 0 comments