Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lenoir School District debates on year round schooling

Is year-round schooling something you would like?

By: Marisa Urbano, Staff Member

PLYMOUTH MEETING, PA - Senior citizens in Lenoir School District worry that a proposal for year-round schooling might hit them in the pocketbook.

School board candidates took opposing standings on the proposal at the Lenoir center Tuesday night. Some believe the plan for a 12-month school schedule could eliminate the need for trailers that now house. Some believe the new schedule would be costlier than adding permanent buildings.

The board addressed the concerns of the senior citizens, regarding year-round schooling and changes that affect teacher unionization.

A main issue centers on the use of trailers as classrooms. The trailers would severely decline and cause a problem for these citizens. Candidate Lane stated that a multi-tracking schedule would help ease overcrowding. The schedule would reduce the number of students in daily attendance at the school by 25 percent. (Need to cite source here. Attribute to work-book)

On the other side of the argument, incumbent Board President ,Elton Fay, stated that year-round schooling is not practical. Her concern was the cost of construction and education.